5 books I enjoyed this year and recommend for small business owners (2023)


Head Trash by Renie Cavallari - Renie is a speaker and coach to some of the top C Suite leaders in the country and she goes in depth about the head trash that we all carry around with us that gets in our way and what to do about it and how to address it.  As small business owners, getting too much in our heads is something I’m sure we all fight with.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel - Getting an education in money is so important and something I see missing in most younger entrepreneurs.  This book is a pretty easy listen/read and gives some fundamental ways to look at money and how it affects your life.

Radical Candor by Kim Scott - At Alchemy, we take on a radical candor approach in our meetings and anyone on the team is welcome and encouraged to speak their mind and give their honest opinions without holding back.  Learning to express yourself in a constructive way is invaluable.

Atomic Habits by James Clear - Forming new habits requires you to be proactive and it can take 30 days for it to become a habit, but we need to improve the things in our lives that become habits.  James lays out some helpful tips in starting small, making it easy and getting it done.  Sometimes we all need a little reminder to get off our butts and make a positive change.

The Bitcoin Standard + The Fiat Standard by Saifedean Ammous -This is probably the only controversial book on the list and I’d also heavily suggest reading the Bitcoin Standard as well.  The book can get a bit preachy in its approach and it’s clear the author is passionate about the topics he discusses.  He goes through a lot of topics like the food industry, science and more and it was really eye opening.  Another book in the list of learning about money.  Even if you have no interest in crypto, the Bitcoin Standard(precedes this book) is a fascinating read. 

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